Succession Planning and Re-invigorating the Annual Talent Review
Let’s discuss the roles, skills and deliverables for the four main groups involved in developing your best talent: the individuals, the senior leaders, the individuals’ managers and the HR development professionals. What do we have in place already? How can we orchestrate this four part harmony? Where do we begin? What are the measures of success?
Case Study – High Potentials Focus Within Full Competency Implementation
Case Study – Succession Planning From the Top Down
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Assessing Leadership Potential
The most important upgrade in succession planning, since the 1970’s, has been integrating the practice of differentiating performance over time from potential to lead. Most senior leaders will admit that they have no trouble with the performance part of this but that potential is really an instinctive decision. This hunch can be verified with a newly completed assessment which passed the high standards of testing demanded by the American Psychological Association (APA). And best of all, there are TWO recipients of the findings: the individual is debriefed with a realistic picture of how well they are progressing (or not) toward the career level they desire; and the top leaders can receive a talent grid of numerous individuals slated for the same career level. See the Korn Ferry monograph, the Seven Signposts, for more background information. Not only will the discussions at Talent Review never be the same, but you will know whom to give the most important development assignments.
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Creating, Managing and Developing Talent Pools
We will talk about a ‘map of the territory’ that you will find valuable in determining:
- What you already have
- What you would like to have
- Where to Begin
- What to sequence over a 2+ year timeframe
- Charter for Roles, Responsibilities, Success Measures, Tracking Progress, Communication
Case Study – Optimal Launch of Full Competency Implementation Plan
Case Study – Rooting 360 with Development and Accountability
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Implementing 70-20-10
It is one thing to be able to describe what this invaluable principle consists of, and another to make it a strategic yet manageable practice with managers and leaders. You will be able to plan integrating 70-20-10 with your existing programs of Training, Management Development, Leadership Development, Individual Development Plans (IDPs), Engagement, Career Development, etc. You will also plan how to bring this change initiative to senior leaders and lure their devoted commitment.
Case Study – Optimal Launch of Full Competency Implementation Plan
Case Study – Insights About Important Development Assignments