With Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential, you can:

  • Objectively evaluate leadership potential – Utilize Korn Ferry’s global scope and scale to accurately identify the individuals who can lead within your organization.
  • Invest in the right individuals – Measure the seven key signposts of leadership potential, so you can invest in the right talent and target the right areas for development.
  • Take decisive action – assess leadership potential for a particular role or at a specific level.

Course Summary: Two-day course, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Attend the Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential certification to expertly use and implement the assessment within your organization. Your participation will equip you as a certified feedback coach to accurately interpret KFALP results and deliver feedback sessions based on best practices.


  • Explore the business need and best practices around identifying leadership potential.
  • Obtain a common language and understanding of the Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential (KFALP) and the 7 facets that comprise the instrument.
  • Determine how to engage with the global survey center to; identify all survey administrative options and manage your organizational implementation effectively.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and competence in the research methodology and science behind the creation of the instrument; reliability, validity, scoring and impacts.
  • Analyze, interpret and apply all KFALP reports accurately; individual, group and organizational reports.
  • Explore the structure and coaching methods for facilitating meaningful report delivery sessions with an individual or group.
  • Demonstrate clarity of the assessment instrument in a practice coaching session segment; for(in session) observation and feedback.
  • Determine appropriate next steps for individual as a result of their KFALP assessment participation.


  • Expertly apply the Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential to assess and identify key talent with the skills required to succeed in leadership roles.
  • Facilitate meaningful report delivery feedback sessions.
  • Build future bench strength through developmental assignments and placements.

Who should attend?

  • Practitioners leading leadership development programs
  • Coaches responsible for delivering assessment results in a directive coaching format
  • Organizational Development specialists who focus on succession planning

Independent consultants and consulting organizations may only attend with a a Talent Management Executive from sponsoring client organization. Client sponsorship requires supporting documentation from the client organization, as well as a certified representative from the client organization

What is the registration fee? 

Price includes two-day in-house workshop.   Registration prices are set by KF for all Associates and Partners to uniformly charge.  Fees are due and payable to secure registration.

Participants 1-5   $ 11,000

Participants 6 +  Prices available upon request

NOTE:     Participants must complete an individual KFALP assessment of a minimum of 3-5 days prior to the workshop.  The survey is administered for you by Jane Schenck but the Global Survey Center will invoice you.

Additional materials will be required; they must be ordered, delivered by the company.  They will be invoiced by Korn Ferry

Additional logistical details, including the materials to order, will be sent with a confirmation of your enrollment.

Program Dates:

Call Jane Schenck at 412-851-9688 to schedule an in-house certification