Click SIX statements that are spoken and unspoken beliefs “around here”.
“Cream rises to the top”
“People are responsible for their own development”
“She used to be awful at picking up cues to stop talking and for some reason she does not do this anymore”
“We now budget for experiences, not just ‘training”
“He is always nagging me for what he can do better or differently”
“You know who the best ones are—you just know”
“No one was born knowing how to turn around GM” (Lee Iaccoca)
“No one ever developed me—and look how well I’ve turned out”
“Moving people around is tough, it’s painful. But we do it anyway”
“He is dependable, loyal, level-headed; never makes waves and never, ever surprises me”
“We hold managers accountable for identifying and reporting potential”
“Let’s not forget that horrendous goof she had back in 199X…”