The water shed project she managed at CNG was the Center for Creative Leadership’s Learning Agility Construct Research led by Michael Lombardo, Kerry Bunker and Amy Webb.   However, she also worked with the Strategic Planning Dept. including managing the heavily paper driven Succession Planning with the seven subsidiaries’ Presidents and the corporate CEO;  implemented 360 feedback and executive coaching; as well as facilitated a corporate-wide change management process/ project for strategic alignment.

In 1993, she accepted the position of Director of Leadership Development at the Beaver Medical Hospital, where the organization was under-going a transformation to “Patient Focused Care” both leadership-wise and a complete facilities re-design.

She joined Michael Lombardo and Robert Eichinger at Lominger Limited, International where approximately twenty other professional colleagues left corporate positions to begin serving practitioners in leveraging the value of HR programs with the 67 competencies, 19 career stallers & stoppers plus learning agility.   The firm grew in design and validation of additional product/ processes. In 2006, Korn Ferry acquired LLI and continued the watershed work,  finding linkages with their massive data base of Search analytics.   KF continued to acquire other firms, had the cumulative research at each turn analyzed and expanded the normative validation work globally.   They produced a redesign of the original competency set in 2014, calling the 38 competencies, the Korn Ferry Leadership Architect (KFLA).

Since 1994, Jane has served organizations in multiple industries, at global sites and in NA, with an array of services including implementing competency based HR systems, adjusting succession planning and talent pool development and providing executive coaching.  (See her LinkedIn endorsements)

Furthermore, her firm offers psychological tests, formal and informal multi-rater feedback, as well as provides development coaching for high potential individuals and pools.

Jane holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Seton Hill University and a master’s degree/ABD in curriculum design/leadership development from the University of Pittsburgh.  She creates and delivers programs and services that enrich her HR executive counter-parts and their capability to serve strategically.

Her proudest moment however, remains the MBTI session she refereed with 23 family members at Thanksgiving in 19-Something.